Friday, January 20, 2012

The start of it all

This idea all started with a simple act. I thought it was unfair girls could not operationally go on any of the mission trips in our church. So I went up to our Pastor and told him what I was thinking. A lot of our missionaries has been coming to our church, so I was thinking about each one as they did their presentations. The missionaries that I wanted to help are a couple in Canada working with Indian tribes. After church that Sunday, a friend and I went up to the missionaries and told them we were interested in doing a mission trip there and they received us openly. They told us what we needed to do and we accomplished this task. After many e-mails, we have really started to get things rolling now. This blog will update on the events going on about the trip. These small steps of just mentioning something to our pastor has led to an amazing thing. The start of a mission in life that I promise I will complete, even if it takes a few years.

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